Released in 1964, Goldfinger is the third outing of Sean Connery as James Bond and one of his most iconic. Here is the first-year-of-release French Grande film poster featuring wodnerful art by Mascii.
Jean Mascii (1926-2003) the Italian born French artist designed nearly 1500 cinema posters and more than 250 book covers and visual for the press and advertising. He was one of the most productive creators of movie posters in France alongside Rene Ferracci, Clement Hurel, Michel Landi, Constantin Belinsky and Boris Grinsson. He produced posters for some of the industry's biggest films including, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, Goldfinger, Cool Hand Luke, Eyes Without A Face, Giant and King Creole amongst others.
This original vintage movie poster has been professionally linen-backed is sized an impressive 45 7/8 x 63 inches (plus a little more with the linen). It will be sent rolled (unframed).
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